Friday, September 2, 2022

August, 2022

 I have to stick to bare details or this will be an epistle. Steve and Martha Anderson, our BWM director and his wife, came to encourage us in the ministry.  They “got to” experience a nice power outage—just long enough to experience it but not long enough to suffer.  Rebekah, Isaiah, and two friends, Samuel and Alyssa, came out for the summer and helped with many ministries and projects.  Seth and Paige and Lydia left for a short furlough — American summer ministries.  All that to say, Dan has been making numerous trips to Abidjan and back. We DO praise God that he made it back and that he keeps our car running well.  The Andersons opted to fly back and forth in the guise of saving Dan yet another trip.  We actually know that they did not want to experience that bad road.  Thanks for always praying for our safety.


The first big event in June was an end-of-the-year school program.  That went more smoothly than last time with more help and the outdoor tents arriving on time.  Seth always does a super job giving out a gospel message. I was home preparing for and hosting ten teachers for lunch and a school board summary-of-the-year meeting after the event at the church.  


Our visitors got to participate in many church, repair, and painting projects. Kayaking down the river and going to the beach were fun.  They also helped with the summer English class that was being taught at the church-school. 


Susanna delivered their first baby girl on June 22.  Selah is two months old and is smiley and content.


Lydia, Joseph, and Esther got braces on in Abidjan. There is a really good orthodontist there and it is cheaper than in America.  


On July 19, Alyssa and Rebekah were able to assist me in another birth. I’m sure that was a highlight for Alyssa to get to watch.  


Our Front-Yard kids’ class continues on Saturday mornings. Kids have been making professions of faith.  Jesus had COMPASSION on the multitudes.  I have compassion on all these “frisky, naughty, disobedient, cute” kids who act (and in practicality are) as if they have no parents.  They are very pitiful and don’t even know it.  I have also taken on a new ministry of washing and sewing their clothes; poor little kids running around in rags.  If you want to SEE if you are cut out for working in an orphanage just start with 30 to 50 street kids.  


Our church just hosted Youth Camp: the youth sleep, eat, and live at the church for a week!!  Bring your own mat, mosquito net, bowl, etc., and listen to lots of preaching.  Dan taught as well.  The main preaching was sanctification, and workshops were on health, sign language, sewing, and even how to tie a tie. (I will be doing this August 29-September 3.  It is called camping out at church, better than in the woods right? I take a camping mattress; these OLD bones can’t be sleeping on the floor.)


Thanks again for praying!

May, 2022

 I could easily write a newsletter every month; and I would give TMI (too much information) to some folks.  But April has had huge events, and May and June are full as well.


In April we had a GREAT Easter school-break event.  Dan, Seth, and Lydia organized stations with big wooden picture boards with different scenes from the Easter story. There were head holes so that the kids could put their faces in and have their pictures taken (pictures explain that better).  At each station, one of us was there with a 15-minute message about that part of the Resurrection events.  Many people do not really understand what Easter is all about; it was great to witness to the kids and their parents; Jesus’ resurrection is the greatest proof that He is Who He said He was: the invisible God made visible, God in the flesh. 


Meanwhile, a stomach bug was going around AND Paige was having pre-labor.  Praise God, the baby held out until after all the Easter Sunday events.  Who do you say that I am? Jesus, God in the flesh.  After church Sunday morning, we had an African sub-sandwich luncheon and then watched the film “Risen.”  It was good and the people seemed to appreciate that. 


The next week, Lydia and I went to Sassandra, and Paige had their baby Sebastian Moses Cuthbertson, 7 lb. 10 oz. on April 25.  Praise the Lord for a safe delivery and a healthy Paige and Sebastian.  (Don’t forget the background of a stomach bug, bus trips, and bad roads.)


Dan has ADDED more services and teaching to his schedule. He has restarted the Bible school classes in the village and is taking a few young men from our church in Lac out to the village with him.  We NEED young men to get trained FROM within our church to be able to lead this work.  We pray that God will keep them steadfast in His Word.  So many times, they fall into sin, derailed after women or money or power.  We pray that they will be grounded in the Word.  Dan has also added a Sunday evening service; again, encouraging the young men to come and study God’s Word. 


Rebekah graduated from Ambassador Baptist Bible College!  She is coming to help us for the summer, then is planning to go to help Ruth and Richard for this next YEAR.  Ruth is expecting their 8th child, so her help will be much appreciated. 


Matthew and Susanna arrived here safely for a year while Matthew learns French and they do survey trips for their future camp ministry. Susanna is due in June. (Backdrop of city water has been off and all the tanks are empty.  Praise God for RAIN.)


I can’t tell news up ahead when the letter is already full; BUT we are expecting many visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Isaiah and Rebekah and TWO friends with them, Susanna and Matthew’s first baby; and Lydia and Seth and Paige are leaving for furlough.  All that to say, Dan has lots of driving to do, so please continually pray for our safety on the roads.  The roads are either in the throes of mud or dust. 


I did not even start on our wonderful zoo.  


Many blessings on you.  Thanks again for praying!

March 2022

 Since you haven’t heard from us in so long, you can know that we have been very busy and pray for us more. We will keep this short and include many pictures.   

Dan and Seth made a wonderful trip to the village church plant works of Zouan-Hounien. They had 3 days of seminars on what a Biblical leader is and what a Biblical church is.  The leaders there have been looking at charismatic churches instead of looking at the Word.  There were some definite problems; but the trip was good, and the problems are in the process of being resolved.


Cleaning dirt and organizing the house is a continuing work in progress.  We are so thankful that we got a heavy rain last week that calmed down the harmattan dust a bit.


I participated in a week-long pastors’ wives’ camp.  You take everything you need and camp out at a church.  I had a great time of fellowship and made a lot of new friends.  My subject to teach was health.


Our petting zoo has begun.  Seth lives in the heart of hunting country. Many times, the mother animal is killed and the hunters bring the babies to Seth, who gives them to us. We try to raise them and let them go as adults.  God has given us two mongooses and now also a baby genet. We also are back to selling puppies.


Our church school is going great.  Continue to pray for growth in the fall.  Dan, Lydia, and Joseph are faithful to go there to teach, build, and solve problems.  Seth is also involved from Sassandra in the planning, organizing, and preaching.  They are all planning an Easter program; our goal is always that the Gospel be given.  


Our front-yard Bible class has begun again. The trampoline is a HUGE drawing factor and has to be constantly monitored or as many as can fit will get on at a time. 


Many have gotten saved this month; Praise God.  Eight have prayed with me and that has been so very exciting.  Right there on the street, two men prayed at different times.  Sometimes we get to pick the fruit.  Thanks for praying for the harvest—it is time to pick the fruit!!  Two ladies have been IN our church but not of it.  Each of them prayed for salvation; I wait to see growth.  These children also got saved. Praise God for them.  Many of these kids also come to our school.


Thank you for your continued prayers! 


Always in His grip,