April 2018
News gets old so fast, but life has been exciting. Josiah went to spend Easter weekend in Petit Pedro. He was funny —went just like that —shorts and a T-shirt. It was HOT; no window. Josiah called and asked us to bring him a battery-operated fan —Ha. The food was good. One of Dan's men in his class came to town to talk to Dan, so I sent Josiah some Sunday clothes and shoes, food, and a sheet. Saturday, they went and worked at the church's farm. One of the members gave the church a plot of ground, and they are growing corn on it —small food and money helper. The Africans love Josiah; he seems to fit in well with them, makes friends, and plays soccer too. What does that have to do with a prayer letter? I pray that our kids will be future missionaries and know the language IN ORDER to preach. We have godly goals for our kids and intentionally bring experiences into their lives to help them along the way to serve God better in the future.
I witnessed to Fatiha —the whole Gospel again (Moses, Passover, the first Easter, to Jesus on the cross, our Passover Lamb, and risen again). She says she reads the Bible I gave her —larger print and well marked with salvation. I pray and will keep praying. She is my lost Moslem friend (help me in prayer?).
We had a great time with Laurel, Misty, and the two girls. Yvonne liked it so much here and SAW THE NEED that she transferred to Word of Life in Canada to learn French and come back here as a missionary. Our goal is to let them see the need and the openness here and encourage them to come back, Lord willing.
They arrived and we promptly ran out of ALL water the very next day —to the tune of them having to go to an African friend's house to take showers. They had to do that AGAIN on Monday after the beach. Still no water and all the tanks were empty.
I took them to the public high school to see the directors, and we walked around and "popped in" to the English class. The teacher was very nice and offered to have me say a few words! It was SO GREAT! I taught some grammar from John 3:16 and quickly moved into French and salvation. I love the Gospel again and the Gospel again. Wow. Anyway, we had a great time, and the group could see that there are always opportunities to witness —it just takes time; just GO out of your house and you WILL FIND someone.
Happy Easter! What a day to witness! Thanks for praying for us. I put together flashcards to go teach a group. They are listening and I am praying. Dan continues to disciple and train the men. Today, four boys prayed in the boys' class. I have two favorite verses now: Proverbs 11:30, "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that WINNETH souls is wise" and 1 Corinthians 9:22, "that BY ALL MEANS I might SAVE some." It is time to bring in the net. It is time to see the fruit. It is time to SAVE SOME.
On April 8, we had a baptism. We are encouraged to see the kids and youth follow the Lord in baptism. These are our future church. Dan baptized seven, and a man that Dan has been training baptized his daughter. That was very sweet to see happening —the father saved and baptized with Dan, and now to the point where he could baptize his daughter, an 18-year-old.
Before I lose some of my exuberance, there has been a lady WANTING me to do her delivery before we left. She had been not coming in labor for a while. To make the story VERY short, she came April 12 at 1:30, and had a baby girl at 10:28 a.m. This was a lady who has a 21-year-old, and then has had miscarriage after miscarriage. Praise God, she carried this baby to term after taking the baby aspirin. The baby was 4 1/2 kg, (10 lbs.)!! She looked like a two-month-old! It was a very difficult birth —very stuck baby; I was sweating and praying. All went super well. Praise the Lord!!! We can ALL sleep well again.
On Thursday, Esther's brakes on her bike did not work, and she ran into a pole. She gashed her forehead 2-in. to the point we could see her skull. Praise God it was not worse, and we were able to put it all together with super glue, steri-strips, and a good douse of oils. She is doing great. Praise the Lord that it did not hit her eye. Thanks for praying for us.
We are here safe and sound with our bags —37 hours of traveling. We are here, Lord willing, until the end of May. Ruth and Richard are to be married on May 5, and Hannah and Nathan on May 8, here near Shelby, NC. If we missed sending you an invitation, YOU are invited. We would love to have you celebrate this wonderful time with us.
Thanks for praying for us.
Praise God,
Dan and Joan