Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Hannah and Lydia

This pictures is too beautiful to keep to myself. Lovely. Our girls working at camp for the summer.

Subject: Hannah and Lydia
Date: July 30, 2017 at 8:52:44 PM GMT

Monday, July 10, 2017

wonderful baby - July 4th

Our beautiful Eden Louise Cuthbertson was born at 6:22 this morning! July 4th!!!  She weighs 6 lbs and 14 oz., and is 19 inches long. Praising God for the privilege of giving birth at home with Ruth and Hannah and many of our wonderful family, and for God's grace and blessing! We're so happy to finally get to enjoy our beautiful little girl!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

better yet

Well, you can't put this on your fridge, but anyway…..actually, in this day and age, your can print something out and use it. Can we send prayer cards this way? These pictures are because someone was asking for an updated one. 

Monday, July 3, 2017


I don't know if you have already seen this picture - the kids are growing fast.  Now we have only 5 kids with us and 7 in NC. If you have suggestions for another picture you can let us know —like do you only want to see us here in Africa? —the picture is growing.  Please keep us all in prayer.

Love in Christ,
Dan and Joan

Friday, April 28, 2017

grads. -college and high school

Dear Friends,
I am thinking about you and praying for you.  I KNOW I want to write a letter with all the details of life. Our electricity has been off a lot lately —which means we have not had any internet or computer power and also means that we have been extra hot. Thank you for praying for us and for God's grace to persevere. Praise God for the health and strength He has provided.
Graduation is May 5 from Ambassador Baptist College.  We have three graduating and are very proud of their efforts to finish well.
Seth is graduating with "Bachelor of Biblical Studies with majors in Bible and Pastoral Studies," 
Paige is graduating with "Bachelor of Biblical Studies (with majors in) Bible and Missions," 
Hannah is graduating with "Bachelor of Sacred Music (with majors in) Bible and Music." 

 Today starts finals —they are all taking exams.   Graduation on the 5th OF MAY will be live streamed on Ambassador's website:  (We will try to watch that if our internet stays on.)  It is at 7pm Eastern  time. Thursday night, May 4th, is the Commencement Concert (like "Messiah" in the Fall, only it's resurrection songs).  It is at 7pm also.

On another note:
Isaiah and Stephen have graduated from high school. Our school name is The Solid Rock.  They are planning to go to Amb. Baptist College in the fall.  

Life is completely hectic —For me; deliveries, witnessing, teaching our own kids school, teaching Bible at our church school, cooking, laundry, cleaning, pets; Dan's time is used up even worse —much preaching and teaching, evangelism and discipleship. He has started yet another group of students in the Bible school on Saturday evenings.  Praise God for the health and strength He gives us. Winning souls is wise —in fact, we love it.  Some put a huge emphasis on "oh he is a doctor…or whatever that will make lots of money."  Isn't it better to focus on people's eternal destiny, their souls, than on this temporal world we live in?  Since the Bank of Heaven is the greatest, shouldn't learning how to win souls be our topmost priority? Wow. 
We will soon get letter out with lots of pictures.  

Have a great day. May God bless you.
In His Grip,
Joan and Dan

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


            Beginning in January, we had great times with our visitors (Laurel and Matthew, Misty and Pedro). I hope you will be able to see all the pictures they took; we are trying to get them onto our website.  The heat was very bad. We were just walking, slippery with sweat (how is that for a word picture?).  The fridge and freezer were hard put to keep up with cold drinks.  February has come with some rain, which is a relief from the dust and heat.

            The guys DID go work at the church in the heat. They helped dig foundations for two new rooms and also helped patch the roof. I made sure they drank lots of water to prevent heatstroke. 

            We all walked around a lot giving out tracts and witnessing.  We want everyone to experience the openness of this country. We are living on perpetual visitation. Maybe you have seen a sign over a door, "You are now entering the mission field." We are assaulted with the burden for the lost every time we leave the house.

            The schools were supposed to start school on January 5. (A great quote: "Make your plans in pencil and let God write them in ink."  We Americans who like schedules especially have to learn to be flexible in this country. God's timing is always right on time.)   The teachers, doctors, and other government workers were on strike the whole month and into February. We were finally able to do our big "pass out tracts day" at the public school. Our American helpers were gone, but nine of us went to help, even Gideon and Esther. We split up for both exits. Each one had a stack to pass out and boxes to replenish from—just keep giving them out: Gospel tracts, John and Romans pamphlets, a Romans Road tract translated from Little Red Book Ministry, an invitation to church, and lollipops. Dan estimated that we distributed to 3,600 or more people.  We were only there from 10:45 until noon.  Quite a few prayed with me to get saved. I guess I should have written decision cards—God knows.  Our church is not so far from the school.  Follow up is hard in this country. The road system is about non-existent, and people don't have addresses.  We witness, pray for, and disciple everywhere we go.  Pray for the tract ministry.  It IS a ministry —here and in America. It takes time and effort and the Holy Spirit to work in their lives.  You have to get prepared, praying as you go.

            Also since the strike ended, I have started teaching Bible in our church school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There are about 60 kids, and I love teaching them.  Our school did not have the strike, but the schools that were on strike would threaten and harass those who tried to go to school.  Pray that this country stays open and in peace.  When people are poor, don't get paid, and jobs are threatened, there tends to be an undercurrent of dissatisfaction.

            Dan has started building a church building at Petit Pedro.  We have been meeting there in a small building that is supposed to be knocked down when the city puts in its power lines.  The kids have been meeting outside on mats. When the church building gets built, we can use that other building; we'll take it apart and rebuild it on our property (way easier said than done) for the kids. 

            Right before Christmas, a little five-year-old girl came to live with us.  Her name is Naomi, and this is not a permanent thing.  We are letting her live with us while her mother works as a live-in nanny.  They give her two Sundays off each month, and she gets paid $80 per month.  Jestina is looking for a different job, but in the meantime, we are taking care of Naomi.  I am teaching her kindergarten, and everyone is learning patience and kindness.   In one of our times together, Jestina got saved. It seemed like a genuine prayer. I thank God for that. Not only do we want to continually be going out, we want to take all the opportunities to witness to those who come to our house.  Meanwhile, we are praying for Naomi to get saved.  She is thinking and asking a lot of questions.  Many of the kids are involved with an intentional outlook for her salvation.

            Cute Gideon lost his two front teeth (so cute).  He turned 7 on Feb. 16.  The moms get to birth the babies and then make the birthday cakes every year.  I have started telling our kids, this is OUR day (smile). 

            The pets are fine. Our visitors enjoyed the monkeys. Matthew was getting quite loosened up, even letting the monkey sit on him with no diaper. You are going to be sweaty and dirty anyway—how bad can a monkey be? 

            Keep praying for us for health and safety and that we would be found faithful to the end.

In His grip,


Dan, Joan and family

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